Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I want to talk about Mr. Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith is a homeless guy I met yesterday after receiving some emotionally devastating news. 

I went to the gas station across the street from where I work and I was approached by Kevin Smith. He asked me for a cigarette and I told him I didn't have any. I walked into the store and I bought two Snickers candy bars (It was that kind of day). I paid with my two dollars and received change. When I came out of the store, he was still sitting there. I said to him, here's some change I just got back--would you like to have it? He said yes, thank you. Then he proceeded to tell me about his recent history: he just got out of prison up in New York and he had been down here homeless for about 10 days. He showed me where he had been sleeping, over by the bushes and I could tell he was truthful; there were bags and paper fashioned together like a bed. He told me he had an 18 month old baby. I asked him if he had seen his baby yet and he said no. I told him, you need to see your baby. They're what keep us going you know? He looked at me and said "you're a beautiful woman. I don't mean outside, I mean spiritually." I told him, I have God on my side. He then asked me if I had children and I said yes, I have two. Now Kevin Smith, not holding back, then proceeded to tell me that his baby needed a stepmother! I said, I'm already married love and I love my husband. He said, "I can tell that you do". He then said to me, "It's good that you know Jesus, but once you turn your back on him you may as well lay down and die." I told him he was right, to keep his head up and I was going to pray for him. I shook his hand and continued back to work. 

Moments like these happen to me often. I find it somehow fulfilling to talk to the homeless; to help them if I can even. It just makes me feel so good inside. Those moments keep me going--they remind me that no matter how bad it may seem, there's always worse. Now I will admit that Kevin Smith smelled very heavily of alcohol and was probably compiling change to hit up the liquor store across the way. But as I told my husband this morning I said, when God wants him to stop drinking, He will give him a sign. Who am I to be his judge? If that little bottle keeps him going for another day, then so be it. It's his life. 

I just had a flashback: when I was in high school,  I used to volunteer at the homeless shelter in Suffolk where I grew up. At the time I was there, there were 15 homeless people living in that facility. 9 of them were children. When I became vice-president of the student government, I remember starting a food drive that was dedicated to donating food to the homeless shelter. I also participated in a clothing/coat drive for them as well. Working there reminded me then that there are so many people in this world who just fall upon unfortunate circumstances sometimes without warning. I remember looking at the playroom for the children--it looked like any other playroom you would see in a daycare or a school. I remember feeling sad and glad: sad that they were living there, but glad that there were people in this world who were willing to help them out. I remember thinking, I want to be like that too.

I want to thank Kevin Smith and those like him because they are really the eyes of truth. Those who have lost it all help us to see that life isn't all that bad. They've been through the bad; they've lost so much, if not everything already. It hurts me to have to say any of those things when all I really wish I could do is help them all. I want to give them my change, my lunch, whatever and I do when I can. I don't do it for praise or favor or even tokens into heaven. It's just a part of me, of who I am now. I wasn't always like this. I used to just ignore them, or be rude like most of society. But why? The universe put those people in my path for a reason. If you trip over a rock in the road, why not pick it up? There may be something underneath it--something that you've been searching for and didn't even know it. 

I pray that Kevin Smith finds his way and the step mother he so longs for :)

My kids

I want to write about my kids tonight.

My kids are my reason for being, working, doing. They are my pride and joy.

My oldest child is Isaiah Leigh. He was born September 24, 2003...about 4 1/2 months after my graduation from college. I'll admit; he was definitely as society would say an "unplanned" pregnancy. But in my opinion, everything is a plan. Everything has a reason.
In any case, he was my little man for such a long period in my life. When my now husband and I were separated, it was just me and my Isaiah. He clings to me as most little boys tend to do to their mamas. He's quite defensive of me, which I find to be adorable. He will not hesitate to tell on his dad in a hot second!
Isaiah LOVES video games with a passion. He especially loves to play Zelda, which is totally cool with me because so do I! He also likes to sing, which he thinks I don't know about but I have caught him doing so a number of times. I try to encourage him by letting him know that both mom and dad were involved in our school choirs and performances but he still shies away--which is fine by me. He also loves to play basketball; he has played on a team for the last three years. He's very intelligent and amazes me more and more every day.

My baby (yes I still call her my baby) is Jordan Mariah. She was born December 5, 2009, approximately 5 days after my return from touring with the opera. I actually had to be put on bed rest with her and couldn't complete the tour. I suppose that's a good thing; otherwise she would have been born in Northern Virginia! We like to call her the "wedding night" baby LOL.

This little one is so much like me it's ridiculous. She's so charismatic. Only 4 years old and she already behaves like she's been on this planet for ages. She loves the color pink, princesses, and loves to sing. She has also become quite the little artist; some of her artwork has been posted up in her school fairly recently. Jordan is daddy's little girl to the fullest! She will not hesitate to call for her daddy if she thinks she can get a better deal. One of my favorite things about Jordan is that she loves to give hugs--to anyone. She hugs store clerks, pizza delivery drivers, friends, family, everyone. She makes everyone's day with her innocence and pure, true adoration.

Like I said, these two are my reason for being. Whenever I feel down, whenever I feel discouraged I just look to them. Their endless love keeps me going. When I was younger, I don't even know if I imagined being a mom ever. But I am their mom. And that's a beautiful thing :)
Love you my babies!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Getting ready for work...

Well I have a ridiculous amount of jobs for a married woman with two kids.

My primary job for the last 10 years of my life has been working for Virginia Opera.  Currently I hold the title of Lighting Supervisor/Overhire Manager. Being lighting supervisor is a great job; my main task is to function as the Assistant Lighting Designer for the show and remount the production from our home in the Harrison Opera House to two sometimes three other venues! The trick is to remount the production and make it exactly the same as it was. Now you would think it would be a simple process but when you go into three different venues that are not only bigger but also are not anything like home it gets a little tricky. Different lighting positions are one of my biggest challenges. So it's like a puzzle; trying to make everything fit in a different box.  I love this job--you have no idea. I mean, it seems fairly complicated but that's what makes it exciting. I enjoy the complication and if you want to see me get excited, watch something not work out the way it was drawn on paper...oh I live for those moments! Because that's when my brain really gets to work. The end result is oh so wonderful...knowing the pain and agony leads me to the moment where I'm sitting in the back of the house and slapping myself on the back like damn girl, you've got this!
The other part of my job is more complicated, less satisfying. I also am in charge of staffing all of the crew calls...it is literally a 24/7 job. Phone calls, texts, emails...constantly trying to find people to come in to work...man it wears me down! But it's all good; it's my job.
One of the great things about working in the theatre/opera world is that the people you work with become your family inadvertently. You are with them more than your real family; you eat together, drink together, sleep together (not literally, but you know). Some of the people I work with are so dear to my heart, I don't know what I'd do with out them. My boss is one of those people, which makes life complicated and interesting. It's a balancing act to try and make that work but I think we do just fine.

Anyway job #2 is the one I'm getting ready for...delivering pizza for Pizza Hut.
I've only been working here for a few months and it's only on the weekends. But I do enjoy it. I enjoy coming home with cash in hand after delivering all night; that makes the walking, running, and angry customers worth the while. I don't know how long I'm going to keep this job. It is definitely a good one to have as a backup. I can come in when I want and work as long as I want.

Job #3 is seasonal.  I work as a Production Assistant for the Virginia Arts Festival.
Quite simply, we do setup/strike for events which could be as easy as setting up coffee or as complicated as disassembling a stage. Either way, I enjoy this job because out of all the things I do, it's the one job where I don't feel like my brain is in full over-time all the time. I work for two really awesome people over there and I get to work with an assortment of people who I have either worked with as a stagehand or have worked for me as a stagehand! I like to call VAF the all-star game of the entertainment season.

I also co-own/operate a business with my best friend Jason Tuthill and Dave Young. AndScene Productions, now officially a year old, is a production design company. We do production design/setup for movies, commercials, videos, etc. My best friend Jason is the Production Designer, Dave is the Art Director/Business Manager and I function as the Set Decorator. Our most recent project is a movie called The Possession Experiment, which I assisted in the stunts as well.  Here's a sneak peak of that project:

In my spare time (LOL), I also work as a shop electrician for Theatrical Builds, LLC, and I am the lighting consultant for Norfolk State University's Brown Hall Theatre.

Why? Why do I do all of these things?

I suppose for the most obvious reason--I'm insane. I mean, who the hell wants to do all that?

The biggest reason is because we are in a massive amount of debt. I'm not going to elaborate on how that happened. But hopefully all this hard work will help my family get out this giant hole we're in. So far, it's slow going. I mean you can accumulate debt faster than you can pay it off. But I'm hoping between all of the things I'm trying to do plus all the jobs my husband is working (he's up to three right now), eventually it will pay off.

In any case, time to put on my hat and apron and get these pizzas out. Not only is it football sunday, it's also WWE Pay-Per-View sunday...should be some good tips today!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Tonight I learned a new phrase...Oil pulling.   Why?

Because  my tooth hurts!!!

Now of course, there's nothing I can do about it this weekend. I could go to an ER and cry and let my medical bills continue to rack up (no, I don't have any insurance) while they stuff me with pain pills and refer me to an oral surgeon. Eh, no.

So as I usually do, I research online for an herbal remedy.

Now I have been using herbs instead of western medicine for quite a few years now. It all started when I was pregnant in 2009. I was on at least 9 different medicines during my pregnancy. 9!!! I wasn't even 30 yet! I suffered from extremely high blood pressure towards the end of my pregnancy and was close to a stroke as I was told by my doctor. As a matter of fact he said that he was surprised that I didn't have a stroke.

Again still not even 30 years old. Who the hell wants to hear that at that age???

In any case, right after my daughter was born, I looked at my dresser. It looked like an F-ing pharmacy. I took my hand and swept all of it into the garbage. Then I looked into other methods.

A very good friend of mine, TJ, became a practioner in Ayurvedic medicine and taught me how to use herbs and holistic methods for healing.

It literally changed my life. I took pleasure in growing and collecting herbs and learning about their healing abilities. My first herb garden started right in my kitchen window. It was just amazing to realize that the things growing right in front of our faces could heal us. That the most simple of ingredients could calm a cough, clear sinuses, and now, calm tooth pain.

Here's a bit about oil pulling:

Oil pulling is a practice in Ayurvedic medicine where you take oil and swish it around in your mouth. The idea is that it "pulls" the toxins out to decrease inflammation. This is not just for tooth pain; it apparently also helps with headaches, migraines, type 2 diabetes, and even asthma!

So my dear Dr. TJ (as I call her so lovingly) recommended I take warm sesame oil with turmeric (turmeric is the bomb by the way; I'll tell about that later!) and swish it around in my mouth. Let me just tell you I'm broke. I actually didn't have any sesame oil in my house. So I did a little reading and found some people who had used olive oil instead. Long story short, not too long after I did this, I did start to feel less pain--still a little bit of throbbing but at least I wasn't crying anymore.

The moral to this story is...see a dentist! This tooth problem I must confess has been happening since before my daughter was born. I used to grind my teeth in my sleep and ending up cracking this tooth in half, woke up with bits of tooth in my mouth. And then I just let it go foolishly. I did see a dentist after my daughter Jordan was born, but because I was vain I didn't want that dentist pulling 3 teeth out of my mouth (I still have my useless molars). Stubbornly, I let it go. Lesson learned.

Now this oil pulling is definitely not a permanent solution; I mean the tooth is broken--it's gotta go! But at least I can sleep and I'll make it through the weekend.

Please believe me; I don't suggest giving up whatever your common practices are for healing. I am a strong believer in everyone should do their own thing all the time. Find what works for you and keep up with it. Most healing is in the mind; that reigns true for all practices. Believing in the healing power of whatever it is you use will make it more effective. Try it sometime. Next time you have a headache, concentrate on the medicine actually working as opposed to focusing on the pain. Visualize the medicine attacking your headache monster with swords or shooting it with arrows. I bet your headache will disappear much faster.

Right now, I'm going to go concentrate on finding a dentist.

Dolphin...a thought...

Something that I really love…

Ahhhh…isn't that beautiful?

This part of me hasn't changed at all.
I love the ocean. I really do. I love the water, the wind, the waves. I love the colors. I love the peace and the solitude it brings. It's like the completion of life you know…whatever goes out, will eventually come back. Just the the water; rolling on over and over again.

When I want to reset my mind, all I need is to come to this place, close my eyes, and relax.

The problem is…my overwhelming life schedule has kept me from coming here as often as I would like. I mean, I can close my eyes and imagine it--which kind of works, but it's not the same.

Anyway, back to what this is really about.

I really, really love…


I don't know why. I've loved dolphins since I was a little girl. But doesn't that photo just make you smile?

They're so adorable. They're highly social, they like to play, and they love sex almost as much as humans, if not more.

What's not to love?

The point of this is…it's nice to know that there are parts of me that are the same, even from childhood. Maybe that's why I wear my dolphin necklace. I mean, I never take it off. There was a period in my life that the chain for it was broken and I couldn't afford a new one, at least that's what I kept telling myself. But then my dear husband bought me a new chain for Christmas after discovering my charm in my jewelry box (how sweet!) and I was so happy! Since then, I've never taken it off unless humanly necessary. Could this be me trying to hold on to something from my past? A piece of my childhood that I just can't let go of? It's a thought I haven't had until this very moment.

But I think that's ok; I mean some people grow up and they decide that nothing from their childhood matters and they will throw it all away. Some people hold on to a couple of things for posterity, their children and what not. Some people choose to hold on to everything they ever had for whatever reason that could be I don't know.

I do still have my baby blanket...



It's a word I've run from for so long.

I mean I enjoy change. I enjoy a change of clothes. I enjoy new shoes. I enjoy meeting new friends.

What I don't enjoy is the loss of love, friendship, and life.

You're thinking…well who the hell does??
For some reason, as I get older, it's harder to adjust to the changes that I've had to deal with. The loss of love, friendship, and life.

This is me trying to deal with all those things. On paper.

I thought of this today:

As I revolve around myself
I see someone I don't know
I hug her, hold her, tell her hello
She looks at me strange
Tilts her head and says,
I've been here the whole time

It's me I'm seeing. I'm seeing a whole other side of me. Someone I don't recognize.

It's very frightening.

I mean, I look in the mirror and I see this woman. She looks a lot like me. She wears my glasses, she  has my dolphin necklace on. She wears my wedding ring.

She looks like a very nice person.

And I want to get to know her.

That's what this is all about. Getting to know me again. Becoming the person that my own personal universe is shifting to envelop.

A good friend of mine has told me numerous times, change is good. Embrace change. Usually I tell him to shut the F up. But maybe, just maybe I'll give it a shot.