Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dolphin...a thought...

Something that I really love…

Ahhhh…isn't that beautiful?

This part of me hasn't changed at all.
I love the ocean. I really do. I love the water, the wind, the waves. I love the colors. I love the peace and the solitude it brings. It's like the completion of life you know…whatever goes out, will eventually come back. Just the the water; rolling on over and over again.

When I want to reset my mind, all I need is to come to this place, close my eyes, and relax.

The problem is…my overwhelming life schedule has kept me from coming here as often as I would like. I mean, I can close my eyes and imagine it--which kind of works, but it's not the same.

Anyway, back to what this is really about.

I really, really love…


I don't know why. I've loved dolphins since I was a little girl. But doesn't that photo just make you smile?

They're so adorable. They're highly social, they like to play, and they love sex almost as much as humans, if not more.

What's not to love?

The point of this is…it's nice to know that there are parts of me that are the same, even from childhood. Maybe that's why I wear my dolphin necklace. I mean, I never take it off. There was a period in my life that the chain for it was broken and I couldn't afford a new one, at least that's what I kept telling myself. But then my dear husband bought me a new chain for Christmas after discovering my charm in my jewelry box (how sweet!) and I was so happy! Since then, I've never taken it off unless humanly necessary. Could this be me trying to hold on to something from my past? A piece of my childhood that I just can't let go of? It's a thought I haven't had until this very moment.

But I think that's ok; I mean some people grow up and they decide that nothing from their childhood matters and they will throw it all away. Some people hold on to a couple of things for posterity, their children and what not. Some people choose to hold on to everything they ever had for whatever reason that could be I don't know.

I do still have my baby blanket...

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