Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My kids

I want to write about my kids tonight.

My kids are my reason for being, working, doing. They are my pride and joy.

My oldest child is Isaiah Leigh. He was born September 24, 2003...about 4 1/2 months after my graduation from college. I'll admit; he was definitely as society would say an "unplanned" pregnancy. But in my opinion, everything is a plan. Everything has a reason.
In any case, he was my little man for such a long period in my life. When my now husband and I were separated, it was just me and my Isaiah. He clings to me as most little boys tend to do to their mamas. He's quite defensive of me, which I find to be adorable. He will not hesitate to tell on his dad in a hot second!
Isaiah LOVES video games with a passion. He especially loves to play Zelda, which is totally cool with me because so do I! He also likes to sing, which he thinks I don't know about but I have caught him doing so a number of times. I try to encourage him by letting him know that both mom and dad were involved in our school choirs and performances but he still shies away--which is fine by me. He also loves to play basketball; he has played on a team for the last three years. He's very intelligent and amazes me more and more every day.

My baby (yes I still call her my baby) is Jordan Mariah. She was born December 5, 2009, approximately 5 days after my return from touring with the opera. I actually had to be put on bed rest with her and couldn't complete the tour. I suppose that's a good thing; otherwise she would have been born in Northern Virginia! We like to call her the "wedding night" baby LOL.

This little one is so much like me it's ridiculous. She's so charismatic. Only 4 years old and she already behaves like she's been on this planet for ages. She loves the color pink, princesses, and loves to sing. She has also become quite the little artist; some of her artwork has been posted up in her school fairly recently. Jordan is daddy's little girl to the fullest! She will not hesitate to call for her daddy if she thinks she can get a better deal. One of my favorite things about Jordan is that she loves to give hugs--to anyone. She hugs store clerks, pizza delivery drivers, friends, family, everyone. She makes everyone's day with her innocence and pure, true adoration.

Like I said, these two are my reason for being. Whenever I feel down, whenever I feel discouraged I just look to them. Their endless love keeps me going. When I was younger, I don't even know if I imagined being a mom ever. But I am their mom. And that's a beautiful thing :)
Love you my babies!!!

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