Thursday, January 11, 2018

100 things part 53--my heart

I love my heart

I love the way she gets involved in my business, like she is the end-all of be all of everything in my life.
I love how she likes to tell me what I should do and when.
I love how she gets excited when she knows I'm excited about something.
Like when I see beautiful lighting, she does a little dance.
Or when there's a baby in the room, she jumps so hard I think she wants to hold the baby too.
And don't even get her started on, when she sees fried chicken, she just spins around!

My heart is so sensitive though
She knows when she is under attack.
And she doesn't do a very good job of blocking.
She just lets anyone in all the time, like the front door of a 7-11.
She doesn't mind if that person has been there before, stole stuff, and then left.
She just wants people to keep coming back.

But if there's one thing my heart knows how to do more than any other part of me--
She is relentless.
She never gives up.
She will jump into a ring, get knocked out and be ready to fight again.
It may take her a little while, and she does get bruised in the process.
But don't discount her.
She will be back.
And she will keep right on loving.

She's one of the best parts of me.
She definitely keeps me on my toes.
Without her, I would be lost.
When she's sad, it's like the world is ending.
But I try to do things to keep her smiling.
Like coloring and writing this blog.
And when I'm in the outdoors, she gets so happy to feel the sun.

At night we lay quietly and think about our day.
We share together our adventures and think about how to make the next day better.
She tells me she loves me and I am so content
Because I know she does, more than anyone else in the whole world.
As long as I have her love, I know I'll be alright. 

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