Friday, December 29, 2017

100 things...the halfway point

When I started this, I didn't have any set goals as to when I was going to finish it. I just decided that when I felt like writing about myself, I would. I've had a very emotional year for sure--and I've been through my fair share of psychotherapy, medication, and doctors visits. I will say with all that, the best therapy out of all of that is self-therapy. Between this blog and my love for coloring, I've never felt better about myself.

But, I did take a moment and went back through my blog posts from the beginning of this project. I thought about where I was mentally and realized that at the very beginning of this, my head was in the wrong place. I set out to complete this for an impossible, unattainable goal. I'm not going to say what that goal was, but I know it was the wrong one. Even though I told myself I was doing this for myself, way in the back of my mind I knew I was lying. As the posts go on, I see myself really start to get into the true reason for this--for me and just for me and only for me. See, even sometimes, when you tell yourself you're gonna "do YOU",  you aren't "doing you". You're doing something that you think will get you noticed by someone else by portraying yourself as "doing you". We've all heard at some point or another that confidence is sexy and people will notice you more and take you seriously if you are more confident in yourself. That I find is true, but only if it is genuine. My intention from here on is to keep pushing for that goal of LOVING ME--completely, entirely, and endlessly.

Although I am doing this truly for myself, I am greatly appreciative for all the love and support I've received from people. I'm excited to see that this project has gained some traction and I hope that people are feeling at least more positive about themselves, if nothing else.

As I go forward to the end of this project, I'm very excited to see what my brain will come up with next. Being that I am a person full of emotions (all the damn time), there's no telling what the next 50 posts will be. So I congratulate myself tonight for making it this far--here's to the finish line!

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