Thursday, December 28, 2017

100 things part 46--being straighforward

Most people who know me know that I have quite the mouth on me...and I don't mean that in any inappropriate way. I like to tell it like it is. All the time.

Here lately I've been feeling like I'm being treated like a criminal because I've made a decision to speak my mind. I'm here to tell you--whether or not you've been paying attention, I've always been like that. Sorry not sorry.

I made it very clear at a young age that I was going to be independent. My grandma used to say "I was born walking". I think she meant that more than just literally. I made up my mind a long time ago that I was going to set a goal and always go for it. I've never been a runner. And I don't mean that literally either. I don't back down. I don't hide. When I said I was going to college, I went. When I said I was going to be a programmer, I did it. When I said I was going to grow in my career, I made it happen.

I love to say what's on my mind. Why run? What's the point? You were put here for a reason. If everyone sat around without an opinion, then we're no better than robots. No point in that at all.

I think for that reason people like to talk to me because they know I'm going to tell you what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. I'm not going to tell you WHAT to do however. But if you ask me a question, I will tell you the answer straight up.

I don't claim to be an expert on anything, especially life. I've had my fair share of bad decisions, poor choices, and mistakes. But the one thing about me is that I will tell you I made a mistake. Yes, I screwed that up. I'm also going to be ready to tell you how I'm going to fix that mistake. For every step is not necessarily a step in the WRONG direction but a step towards the RIGHT answer.

One important thing to remember is that you need to love everything about yourself...even what you think is bad. Every aspect of yourself is a part of you and who you are. You are the creator of your own universe. Not your parents, not your friends, YOU. Be forthcoming about what you want and how you want to live. You will make mistakes, so what? No one is perfect--and nobody cares honestly. Mistakes make us human. That's how we learn.

Make a decision today to do something and follow through. Be honest. Tell it like it is. It will probably be scary at first because it's not something you would normally do. But it's alright. Go ahead. I guarantee you it's going to be like a 100 pound weight off your shoulders. En Vogue made a song about this once..."Free your mind, and the rest will follow". They weren't just trying to get a gold album. The song has a point. DO you. BE you. I love you. 

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