Tuesday, December 19, 2017

100 Things part 17 through 29...I love my...

This post is going to be all adjectives. Simple words that describe me.

I love my...

17. Resilience. Ahhh, this is my favorite one and the one I'm feeling the most strongly right now. I love that I can come out swinging. That even in the face of sadness, or pain, or disaster, somehow I always seem to come out on top.

18. Compassion. I can't even begin to tell you how much my heart opens up when I see someone in need. Even if I don't have much to give, I can't help but bring myself to assist in any way I can.

19. Strength. Physically, thought it may not look it, I am obnoxiously strong for a girl. That's from all those years of lifting heavy scenery and having to support my own weight on a truss or track. I love that about myself--I don't need any help opening my own jars!

20. Humor. Oh I can make 'em laugh--that's for sure. I've got a weird sense of humor sometimes, but it's all in fun.

21. Ambition. I am always climbing higher and higher. I know there's always something better and I don't mind looking for it.

22. Diligence. Catch me at work and you'll find me ALWAYS doing something. Because there's always something to do. I like to stay busy and I have not a single problem with that.

23. Honesty. Sometimes that and humor go hand in hand. But there's one thing that I can tell you, you won't catch me lying. I don't like it. I don't want people to do it to me so I don't do it to other people.

24. Loyalty. If you've got me on your side, you've got me for life. Unless you screw it up in which case that brings us to...

25. Forgiveness. Now let's not confuse this with forgetting. I never said I would forget you screwed up or broke my heart, but I do know how to forgive. Because by forgiving, we become stronger.

26. Punctuality. I like to be early. For everything. Being late not only screws over the person waiting for me, it also screws with my head. I have a routine for everything and being a second off just makes the day go horribly.

27. Resourcefulness. I definitely get this from my mother. She could make anything out of anything. I love crafting things out of whatever I've got laying around the house. Being resourceful also makes coupon hunting amazingly fun!

28. Optimism. Ask anyone. I'm an amazingly optimistic person. I love looking at the brighter side and always shooting for the positive. Positive thinking brings positive results.

29. Independence. I've always been independent. Even when I was a baby, my mother tells me, I just wanted to do things on my own. I wanted to walk before I could, talk before I could, even apparently change my own diapers. But I'd like to think that even at that young age I was put here for a reason. I love being able to choose, to make my own decisions, to be as I want to be.

I look back on this list and it makes me smile. I know there are more, but for now, this will at least help me sleep better.

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